Have you applied for a Zebra loan or any other kind of personal loan before and unfortunately, been declined? It was never a nice feeling particularly when you badly need money. However, this is inevitable and it does happen. In an effort to help you be in control of this situation, it is essential to understand why you’re denied and what you can do to have higher approval.
One thing that you should know is that, errors in credit reporting are very common and it could significantly impact your score. In return, lowers your ability to get loan approval. Some errors may include outdated information or having same debt listed several times which create a duplicate.
Are all Information Correct?
The incorrect record of amount of credit inquiries listed on file and the adverse notices can bring down your credit score. So, if inaccurate information is the reason why your personal loan is denied, your lender will likely send you adverse notice informing of the probable reasons of the denial of the loan. The accuracy of such information is vital so it is wise to grab a copy of the credit report. Once done, get it amended ASAP if you think that there’s incorrect data.
Despite the fact that personal loans could be a smart move of consolidating existing debts, loan application may still not push through if the overall amount of your debt is too large. Lenders are going to look at how much of your income is going towards the debt or otherwise known as debt to income ratio. They do this in reviewing your application.
Therefore, pay off any balance before filing an application for new loan to help secure an approval.
Proof of a Permanent Job
For a great number of people, the primary source of income is their employment. In relation to this matter, to pay for the loan monthly, it is necessary among lenders to see that you do have stable stream of income. If you have been jumping from one job to the other every couple of months and can’t prove that you have regular income, there is a big chance that you’ll be declined for your loan application.
Keep in mind, these lending institutions are still businesses. Even though they wanted to help you keep up with your life, they have a business to protect, and uses these factors to ensure that you’re not a risk to their personal investment.